The Soundtrack of Writing by L. Penelope (AOTM #5 - Sunday Feature)

"Author of the Month" is a feature that I created to honour some of my favourite authors by featuring their works for an entire month!
This feature will:
- Run for entire month.
- On every Sunday of the month (excluding the first week where I will have a blog post introducing and interviewing the author), there will be a blog post dedicated to the author. The content of the blog post is entirely up to the author's choice.
- The "Author of the Month" button will be displayed in my blog's sidebar during the entire duration.
- If you have any questions to ask the author(s), you can leave a comment below the blog post or privately message me at
For the entire month of March, I am proud to feature author L.Penelope.
Leslye Penelope believes love is magic and likes her romance with a healthy dose of imagination. She's been writing since she could hold a pen and is the author of new adult, fantasy and paranormal romance with multicultural characters.
After living on both coasts, she settled in Maryland with her husband and their furry dependents: an eighty pound lap dog and an aspiring feral cat. Sign up for new release information and monthly giveaways on her website:
Website & Social Media
After living on both coasts, she settled in Maryland with her husband and their furry dependents: an eighty pound lap dog and an aspiring feral cat. Sign up for new release information and monthly giveaways on her website:
Website & Social Media

I don't usually write to music, but sometimes I make an
exception. My normal writing process is to get away from my home office and
move to the living room couch with my laptop. If I'm home alone then I often write
in silence, but sometimes I like to have the illusion of other people around.
That's when I go to I turn up the coffee shop sounds,
which trick my mind into thinking there are others around.
A lot of writers will go to an actual coffee shop, but that
would be a fifteen to twenty-minute drive, at least for me, and that forty
minutes round trip is time I could be writing. Plus, I drink a lot of tea while writing, and I hate
the awkward internal negotiation of whether or not to pack up all my stuff just
to go to the bathroom at a cafe, or just trust the strangers around me not to
steal anything. Which is why I usually write at home unless I'm going somewhere
with another person.
However, some scenes or characters require a soundtrack. Angelborn was like that. I created a
very short playlist on Spotify with songs that I played in the background while
writing Maia's scenes. I would just repeat the songs over and over again during
my writing sessions and let them sink into my brain.
With certain scenes in other books, I've used classical
music or listened to other genres that didn't have lyrics. Normally, songs with
words distract me while I'm writing, but something about Maia's character just
needed music and lyrics. I was able
to tune out the words when necessary and listen in when I took a break. Here is
the playlist I used:
The process of writing each book is always a little different for me. Sometimes it's surprising, but I'm happy to go with it and let it flow.
It's hard to be normal when you see the dead everywhere. So I gave up. I just focus on staying out of their way. But the guy haunting my roommate is different. He’s impossible to ignore, and now other people can see him too.
He says my roommate is the only one who can save him from an eternity of torment. But one night he follows me into my nightmare and rescues me from my demons. Now he’s all I think about. This must be what it's like to fall... for someone who can never be mine.
A lifetime ago, I found my soul mate in the human world. But being angelborn means I don't have a soul. When I lost my one true love, I lost my future and my freedom. Now, I have a second chance — she's been reborn and I must gain her love again or serve out the rest of my eternal sentence alone.
But this time I am a fugitive with powerful angels hunting me, and I'm running out of time. You only get one soul mate, and mine isn't the broken, scarred girl, who sees what no one else can. She's a distraction I can scarcely afford — but I'm unable to stay away from her.
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