
Review - Don't Kiss The Messenger by Katie Ray

by - Monday, April 10, 2017


Don't Kiss The Messenger 
Author: Katie Ray 
Expected Publication: April 10th 2017
Publisher: Entangled Crush 
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

~A modern retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac~

For most of her teenage life, CeCe Edmonds has been dealing with the stares and the not-so-polite whispers that follow her around Edgelake High. So she has a large scar on her face—Harry Potter had one on his forehead and people still liked him.

CeCe never cared about her looks—until Emmett Brady, transfer student and football darling, becomes her literature critique partner. The only problem? Emmett is blindsided by Bryn DeNeuville, CeCe’s gorgeous and suddenly shy volleyball teammate. 

Bryn asks CeCe to help her compose messages that’ll charm Emmett. CeCe isn’t sure there’s anything in his head worth charming but agrees anyway—she’s a sucker for a good romance. Unfortunately, the more messages she sends and the more they run into each other, the more she realizes there’s plenty in his head, from food to literature. Too bad Emmett seems to be falling for the wrong girl… 

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book involves one fiercely scarred girl who wants the new guy in town, the new guy who thinks he wants the new girl, and the new girl who really isn’t sure what she wants, and the misunderstanding that brings them all together. You’ll laugh, you’ll swoon, you’ll fall in love.


"Love has two sides. First, it amazes us with its force. Then it humbles us with its sincerity."

Entangled Crush is best known for their cute and straightforward high school romances, some titles make you laugh, while some make you feel young at heart. On the other end of the spectrum, there are books like this whose blurb and cover promise you a lighthearted read, but you emerged feeling emotionally charged *cue the neverending thoughts about life* while battling your inner child to stop fangirling at the characters.

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This has been one of those books.

I dived into the story expecting a storyline that has been written gazillion times (I'm a sucker for cliches), hoping to satisfy my cravings for YA high school romances. What I got in return surpassed all of my expectations and left me desperate for more. Katie Ray's writing is phenomenal!

I could spend hours telling you just how much I enjoyed CeCe's (or Brynn's) conversation with Emmett, incredibly poetic and deep, I look forward to reading their exchange every single time. I could literally feel their passion for music and shakespear and there's nothing I enjoyed more than a good literature.

Another plus point for DKTM was that the characterizations were so on point. The author did a fantastic job with CeCe's character by portraying her as a scarred young girl who used sassiness as a makeup for her insecurities. It was heartbreaking to read how CeCe hides behind her scars, but it was also wonderful to see how she broke through the shell and embrace her own self. I love her voice and she's the main factor for my 5 stars rating!

On the other hand, the secondary characters were also beautifully written. I couldn't even bring myself to hate Brynn for her simple-minded demeanor because she added so much humor to the story!

Definitely worth the read, you know what, I think I'll give this a reread! 

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  1. I LOVE the sound of this one! It sounds so cute. I've seen a few movies with this premise but I've never read anything with a plot line like that. I will have to add this one to my TBR list asap! Great review!


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