
Blogger of the Month #4 - Carole @ Carole's Random Life

by - Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Feena Casual

Happy February! 

This is the second month after the re-launching of this feature and I have to admit, I am having a fantastic time with it! Not only I get to reach out to my fellow blogger friends and get to know them better, I also have something to look forward to every month! This feature has been one of my personal favourites because it is simply so fun to do. The bloggers that I had contacted were all so friendly and warm, so, thank you guys for all the support. ♥ 

So what is Blogger of the Month all about?

  • Every month, I will invite a favourite blogger friend of mine to do a guest post or any topics that includes anything, and everything random. 
  • This feature will run for the entire month.
  • Feel free to ask any questions - remember this is an interactive post! 
  • If you have any interesting topics you would want the blogger to discuss about, feel free to leave a comment down below or send me a private email at natshane94aa@gmail.com

For the month of February, I am proud to feature a fellow blogger friend who has the most humble heart! I've known her about a month back when she just started her first Stacking the Shelves post, and that was when I started visiting her blog regularly. Her reviews were so well written and well thought of, she made me want to check out a book that even has low ratings! Furthermore, I often look forward to her STS post as she featured some great and interesting hauls! Without further ado, Dreamland Teenage Fantasy's "Blogger of the Month" for the month of February is: 

Sacramento Regular

My name is Carole and as you may have guessed I love to read. If I have any free time, there is a really good chance that I will have a book in my hand. I read a little bit of everything and will probably fall in love with any book that makes me feel something or surprises me. I just love a surprise! I tend to mostly read anything fiction including YA novels, romance, urban fiction, mysteries, and whatever else looks good at the moment.

When I am not reading, I enjoy spending time with my family. I am happily married and have two daughters who also enjoy reading. My college age daughter tends to pick up the classics when she is in the mood to read while I haven't read a classic since my college days. My youngest daughter is in high school and she likes to read the more popular YA novels but actually asks me for recommendations from time to time. I have tried but I can't seem to get my husband to pick up a book ­  - he is stubborn like that.

I love music and would much rather go to a concert or a baseball game than any kind of fancy event. I love to laugh and have fun. I am a homebody and can stay home for weeks at time if my schedule would allow it (too bad I work full time). I don't watch a lot of TV ­ unless The Walking Dead is on ­ I can't get enough of that show. But really, who needs a lot of hobbies when you have a gigantic pile of books to read?

About my blog: 

Carole’s Random Life is where I post all things books including reviews, new releases, and the occasional giveaway. I read a little bit of everything so that is what you will find on my blog.

Just Another Hand Regular

What is the story behind your blog? How did you come up with “Carole’s Random Life”?

Originally, I had planned to post a variety of things on my blog. That is why my blog has such a silly name. When I started my blog, my mom was being treated for breast cancer for the third time and I had planned to write about my experience in helping her deal with it. I had also planned to blog about eating gluten free. My husband and daughter both have Celiac disease and must eat gluten free in order to stay healthy. I wanted to post recipes and things that I have learned. After a few months of blogging, I realized that I was only posting about books so I just decided to drop the other two original ideas. I have thought about changing my blog’s name to something more bookish but haven’t done it because I have been blogging under this name too long to easily make a major change like that.

Do you remember your first book? Tell us more about it and how has it impacted you significantly!

I don’t know if it was my first book but I do remember being obsessed with Little House on the Prairie as a child. I love the TV show and remember carrying those books back and forth to school until I had finished the whole series. I still have my yellow boxed set of these books. Those books helped me really learn how enjoyable reading can be. There have been periods in my life when I didn’t read a lot but for the most part reading has always been a source of entertainment for me.

If you could blog about something else other than books, what would it be and why? 

I would probably blog about eating and cooking gluten free. I was so lost when I found out that we would need to change the way our family eats. It was overwhelming. I would love to be able to help others through that confusing time when they are trying to figure out what is really safe to eat. I had always planned to do that but backed off largely because I think that there are many people doing it better than I ever could. 

One thing I noticed about your blog is that you always seemed to have such huge yet interesting hauls! How did you managed those books and juggle between blogging and life? 

I think that I am a book collector as much as a reader. I love getting new books! I do want to read them all but I probably have more books now than I can read in my lifetime. In terms of balance, I just get what I can done. Some weeks may be more productive than others but I try not to stress out over it. 

Name some of your favorite bloggers that have been an influence to your blog writing. 

Honestly, I would have to say that at the beginning I didn’t have a lot of influences besides maybe Goodreads. I just recently started spending a lot of time visiting other blogs. I would have to say that my experience in participating in blog tours helped me really figure out my style. 

I do have some favorite blogs that I try to visit every day.

and many others including Dreamland Teenage Fantasy!

Now, for some fun questions! If you have the chance to transform into any mythical creatures ever existed, what would you be and why? 

I would want to be a dragon. Who doesn’t want to be a dragon?!?! I want to fly and breathe fire. It sounds like fun!

Would you rather receive an acceptance letter to Hogwarts or a lifetime of free travelling privileges by your favorite airline? 

I haven’t read Harry Potter. I know that I should be ashamed about that but I just haven’t read it yet. This one is easy for me. Free traveling. I would spend a lot of time on a beach with my books if I could.

Choose a quote/lyric/phrase that best describes you right now. 
“Sometimes you will never know the value of something,until it becomes a memory.” ― Dr. Seuss

What is the most random thing you have ever done? 

One year, my husband and I took off work during my oldest daughter’s spring break. We had planned to be tourists in our own city and spend the week doing fun things like the zoo with the kids. The weather turned horribly cold with ice so most of our plans couldn’t happen. I looked at my husband and said let’s go to Florida. We were on the road about two hours later. Our totally spontaneous trip to Florida was my favorite vacation ever. I don’t know if it is random but it was spontaneous. 

Complete this sentence “This year, I want to…” 
Get caught up on my pile of ARCs.

Trolls or Ogres?

Young Adult or New Adult? 
Young Adult & New Adult - I like them both! I probably read more Young Adult though.

Sweet or spicy? 
Can I say both again? 

Tofu or Sauerkraut? 
Sauerkraut - I don’t think that I have even tried tofu.

Roses or Cactus? 
I am not a huge fan of either but if I had to pick one - Roses.

Worst pickup line ever heard? 
A man once came up to me in the library and told me I was a dirty girl and did I want to go get some lunch. Ummmm….no.

Most memorable date? 
On my first date with my husband, we went to the local Mardi Gras celebration where I was promptly grabbed by a passing stranger. I will never forget the look on my husband’s face. The date did improve quickly after that.

The thing that irks you the most? 
Lying is the thing that irks me the most. Hate it.

Current obsession? 
Books, blogging, and the Walking Dead.

Best boy/girl names combination? 
My sister has 20 month old boy/girl twins named Harrison and Lillian. My nephew and niece are the sweetest boy/girl combination that I know.

As February is a month of love and romance, there will be a special BOTM feature coming up just in time for Valentine's Day. Stay tuned for more of Carole and her randomness!

Thank you Carole for the fun interviewing session, I am so happy to have you on my blog today. Also, thank you guys for visiting! If you haven't heard of her, do check out her blog, you won't regret it ;) 

You can also ask Carole a question by just commenting down below! :)

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  1. Thanks for featuring me this month, Natasha Anne! It really is a huge honor.

  2. What was he thinking? LOL dirty girl in the library. Doesn't he know that's where your pick up lines should be about books? I enjoy this feature and getting to know other bloggers. I have followed Carole's Random Life. Thanks so much for sharing :D

    1. Thanks, Jaclyn! I was a little freaked out by the guy at the library. I hadn't been wearing my wedding ring at the time but I went home and put it on right away.


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