
Blog Tour + Giveaway - Wet by Ashley Bostock

by - Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Ashley Bostock
Publication date: December 26th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

I’ve always been Miranda Phillips, the town pariah. Growing up with neglectful parents, having sought attention from all the guys that were willing to give it to me, I wasn’t the most well-behaved kid in Lone Star. Not to mention all of the juvenile delinquent acts I’ve committed in my past.

But now I am Lone Star’s only reporter and I’ve come a long way from being that lost, troubled girl, even if most of the town still judged me for it. I don’t allow anyone to get in the way of what I want. Including Ryan John. So when I corner him in a dark hallway and get him to succumb to the sizzling attraction between us, I know I’m playing with fire.


Even though I’ve successfully avoided her for two months, I haven’t forgotten how she tastes or what she feels like in my arms. And when I get sent a mysterious letter from some company wanting to buy my thousand shares of water rights that have been in my family for over a hundred years, I’m convinced that there is no one…err, better equipped, to help me than Lone Star’s reporter, Miranda Phillips.

I know how desperately she wants me and this letter gives me all the reason I need to spend one night with the girl from the wrong side of town. One night in exchange for her tight investigative skills. And believe me, she’s tight, in more ways than one. One night. Because Miranda is trouble and being on the city council, as well as guardian to my younger brother and sister, means I can’t afford trouble.

Even if it comes packaged just the way I like.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo

Cover - 4/5 
Blurb - 4/5 
Story - 2/5 

That cover and blurb is the only reason why I requested the book, because judge me all you want, I can't resist pretty covers. 

However, as promising as the synopsis is, I was a tad bit disappointed that it took me a few tries to get into the story. The writing style was okay and the pacing was just right, but it's the characters that I can't seem to connect to. I am emphatic towards Miranda's character as the townspeople couldn't seem to give her the second chance she deserves, and I admire her strength for putting up with all the disdain and discrimination, but it gets on my nerves at times when she is okay with Ryan treating her just like everyone else. 

Overall I like the idea of the plot, I've never heard of water rights so it was interesting to read about the investigating part of the story, and as far as small town novels could go, I think the author did a great job on describing the townspeople. So those are the parts of the story that I do like. 

Unfortunately, my major problem with the book is the sex. 

Image result for wtf gif
Say what??!

Yes, the sex.

Image result for wtf gif
Is she outta her mind?! 

I am not going to elaborate on this because I am no expert to what constitutes a great sex, Ryan and Miranda seemed to be having plenty, but....it's just not one for me. 

The story has so much potential but the execution wasn't the best, I was expecting a story with greater depth I guess. Nevertheless, still an enjoyable read if you're looking for something straightforward and quick! 

Ashley Bostock was born and raised in Colorado where she currently resides with her husband, two children, her dog and two cats. 

She loves reading, writing, and music and is always trying to find more time in the day to incorporate all three. Seeking an outlet and pursuing her life-long passion for writing, she began composing her first novel in late 2013. 

She has traveled all over the world, but still has an extensive list of places she would love to visit. Anywhere near a sky-blue ocean will always be at the top of that list. 

She carries a Bachelor’s Degree in History with a concentration in Elementary Education from Metropolitan State College of Denver. While she loves children, she now fears teaching, which probably has something to do with being a stay-at-home mom.

Interesting Fact: Ashley has been to every Disney theme park in the world.

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