
My Blogger Diary #4 - Highlights of My Year 2015

by - Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas! 

My Blogger Diary is a new feature that I created just to share my random "escapades" and adventures as to fulfil my 2015 resolutions of being more active in blogging and self-fulfilled! It can be book or non-book related relating to an amazing moment or a heartbreaking incident that you are prepared to share with us :) If you are interested, you are always welcome to create a post of your own. I will be ecstatic if you could spread the feature around because I aimed to reach out to the blogging community and share our moments together, making it a happier place than it already is.

PWChristmasfont Medium

Good day to all of you and aren't you guys just excited? Christmas is just around the corner!

It's time for the new year, new resolutions cycle again, but this time I'm not making any promises that I can't keep ;p no longer ambitious but being more realistic! 

I titled my post for today as "Highlights of My Year 2015", hoping to explain why I was MIA this year long. 

So, without further ado,
2015 is such a busy year for me! In a blink of an eye, I had already completed my final year in Uni, travelled around Europe for a whole month, organized my senior prom, wrote and published my final year thesis, participated in oratory competition and so much more! 

As a result of my busy schedule, I am not kidding when I say I am unable to juggle between blogging and life. 

Travelled to Paris!
Being a part of the Prom Committee!

I actually won 3rd place in the oratory competition! 

My Final Year Thesis - so much effort. 

After 4 years serving as a scholar, I am one of the recipient of the Best scholar award!

Representing my Uni to participate in the Global Transformation Forum

And I turned 21!!
Yeap, sorry for the pictures spam! 

There had been so many events and activities going on in my life that I hardly have the time to read and blog, but as 2015 is coming to an end, so is my university life. Graduation is approaching and now I am parting ways with my friends to pursue our own working careers. It is definitely hard to let go of all of the memories, but on the bright side I will be having more time to finally regain my momentum in the blogging world! At least that's what I keep telling myself to comfort my depressing thoughts. 

On the other hand, 

Beyond What is Given (Flight & Glory, #3)

The Deal (Off-Campus, #1)

Forever with You (Wait for You #5)
Play with Me (With Me in Seattle, #3)

Scorched (Frigid, #2)

What can I say, I'm a "romancaholic" - totally made up that word!

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  1. Wow! You really accomplished a lot this year. Congratulations on graduating. It is a huge accomplishment. It sounds like you had a wonderful time traveling and even had time to read some great books. I hope next year is equally exciting for you.

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    1. I still can't believe that it all happened in the span of one year! Thank you, I really did have a great time and looking forward to a wonderful 2016. Wishing 2016 to be equivalently amazing for you! :D

  2. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! That is amazing! You should be proud of yourself! And running a blog on top of it all?! Yup. You rock. :)

    Cheryl @ I Heart Fictional People

    1. Hahaha! Your comment made my day! It was hard balancing between all of these, but it was worthwhile. Wishing you a great 2016!


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