Review - Forget Me Always (Lovely Vicious #2) by Sara Wolf

By Sara Wolf
Original Title: Savage Delight
Genre: Contemporary
Age category: Young Adult
Expected Release Date: November 1st, 2016
Publisher: Entangled Teen
It's been nineteen days since Isis Blake forgot about him. The boy she can't quite remember. She's stuck in the hospital with a turban-size bandage on her head, more Jell-o than a human being should ever face, and a tiny bit of localized amnesia. Her only goal? To get out of this place before she becomes a complete nut job herself. But as Isis's memories start to return, she realizes there's something important there at the edges of her mind. Something that may mean the difference between life and death. Something about Sophia, Jack's girlfriend. Jack Hunter-the "Ice Prince"-remembers everything. Remembers Isis's purple hair and her smart-ass mouth. Remembers that for a little while, Isis made him feel human. She made him feel. She burned a hole in the ice . . . and it's time to freeze back up. Boys like him don't deserve girls like her. Because Jack is dangerous. And that danger might be the only thing protecting her from something far more threatening: her past.
***This book contains language and sexual scenes, some of which may be unsuitable for younger readers.***

I received a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Entangled Teen!
Isis Blake is loud, random and love to babble incoherently -which I also consider is my best social traits - so of course I would fall in love with her from the start.

Despite the fact that she was awfully insecure - being called ugly and fat by Nameless -, it was heartbreaking to see that after 3 years of ending the abusive relationship she still bear the scars from the past.
So before I start off with my review, let me just clarify that I did not read the first book, so I started the story feeling totally lost because there were missing plot points that was obviously a continuation from the first book. However, I never let that deter me from reading and Wolf's writing caught my attention right away, So it was relatively easy to get into the story, plus I viewed the "missing links" as a huge mystery that I can't wait to unravel, it was so much fun! I still did some research (through reading reviews on GR with spoilers) to grasp what are the events that led to the build up in the second book, so everything seemed to fall into place in the end.
Wow. Just Wow.
The first time a book kept me up until 6 am just because I couldn't bear to not know the ending, or was it because of my raging reader hormones for Jack Hunter, or because I laughed so hard at Isis Blake, I don't know for sure. All I know is that Sara Wolf has now become my favourite author and I could not move on to another book.

Isis Blake woke up in the hospital after an attack from her mum's ex-boyfriend that left her with a cracked skull, she was saved by her ex-nemesis/the-guy-she-thinks-she-started-to-like-but-she-hasn't-fall-in-love-in-three-years-twenty-five-weeks-and-five-days Jack Hunter, only to discover that she does not remember him at all. Jack Hunter was the Ice-Prince, ever since Sophia's incident nearly 4 years ago, he frosted over and hasn't been the same. He hasn't been feeling anything, until Isis.
If for a second you think this is a book about sugary words and grand gestures, banish that thought from your mind immediately. Instead, grab a tissue box, try not to cringeswoon too much, you may experience episodes of heart-clenching moments and ultimately brace yourself for a major cliffhanger.
There were so many plots to the story that centralised into one and I loved that because it keeps the story captivating! The story addressed taboo themes including rape, murder, underground activities and violence narrated through the eyes of high school students. To be honest, what I loved most about the book was the maturity of it. Despite the high school setting, the protagonists including Isis, Jack, Wren, Avery and Kayla were such complex characters with such distinctive personality and voice, they easily became the backbone to the story in which each character complements the other!
I can't describe my exact thoughts for the book because it was damn near perfection. The pace was just right, the characters were fantastic and the story was simply mindblowing I think I'm still reeling from the cliffhanger. All I wanted to do know is lock myself in the room and scream like Sookie.
I can't describe my exact thoughts for the book because it was damn near perfection. The pace was just right, the characters were fantastic and the story was simply mindblowing I think I'm still reeling from the cliffhanger. All I wanted to do know is lock myself in the room and scream like Sookie.

Steer away if you're looking for a light read because once you're in, you'll definitely get sucked into the mystery behind Jack Hunter. #jackhunterismine
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