
Stacking the Shelves #9

by - Sunday, September 04, 2016

 Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It’s a chance to display the books you have acquired this week! Whether or not it's in a physical or virtual form, this meme allows you to share the books you are excited about! 

This weekend started with such a heartbreaking incident :( 

My pet hamster, Jerry died just yesterday when we were on the way home from the vet clinic. We buried him in our garden with a big rock as his tombstone. I didn't think I would cry so much but it felt like I have just lost a family member. I had him for only a short three weeks but I didn't think that he would leave us so soon, what's worst was he died on the way home, we did not even have the chance to administer any medication that the vet gave us. All night I was pondering on all the "what ifs", What if I noticed his symptoms earlier? What if I brought him to the doctor sooner? Maybe he would still be alive still. 

Despite all that, on the upside was I had a great line up of books that I can't wait to start. 

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What about you? What books are on your shelf this week?

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  1. Nice haul! Fire and Frost looks awesome! I'm sorry to hear about Jerry. Losing a pet is never fun, no matter how long he has been in your life.

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to start with it! :)

      Thanks for your comforting words, yeah :( I guess I will need some time to get over it. Thanks for stopping by <3

  2. OOh nice! Those are all totally new to me! Hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to it as well! :)

  3. Sorry about your hamster, but I hope you enjoy your new books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. I'm sorry about your hamster. Losing a pet is hard. They are family and no matter when it happens, you're not ever ready for it. I do hope you get to enjoy your new books though. They all look good especially My Clarity - I like that cover. Here's ours if you're interested: Bibliojunkies Happy reading! ~ Bel

    1. Thank you for your kind words, it was indeed very emotional. :(

      I started reading some of them and it was surprisingly good, so this week's reading should be great :)

  5. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your hamster! It can be so hard when pets have to leave us, even the tiniest ones. :/ I hope you enjoy all of your new books and have as good a week as you can!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. Thank you for your condolences, I do think that I cried out because there are no more tears, haha, but I'm feeling much better now thank you!

  6. Fire in Frost looks interesting! Great book haul!
    Miranda @ Miranda's Book Blog

    1. I can't wait to start! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I am really sorry to hear about Jerry. Losing a pet is tough. I hope you do get a chance to enjoy your new books!

    1. Thank you for your kind words :( It is tough, but caring for my other hamsters helped me to get over it. I'm loving the books so far! Sara Wolf has quickly become one of my favourites <3


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