Synopsis from :
This is a sweet and funny tale of a young girl named Candy and her Cankersaurus Rex! Candy receives a dinosaur as a gift and is determined to train him to be a good pet. This playful homage to Syd Hoff will make all dinosaur crazy boys and girls happy!
My Review :
Before I start off with my review, I just wanted to extend my thanks to author Jason Sandberg for approaching me in the first place. I never reviewed any children's books before and I just thought, why not? Since being adventurous to me meant trying out new genres, I thought of giving it a shot! It was definitely different, but entertaining nonetheless!
Putting myself in the shoes of a young girl, Candy was refreshing and nostalgic! It reminded me of my younger days where all I have to worry about is how to face the bully in my school, much like Candy who has to face her jealous and competitive neighbor. Quote " I'm a Fine Artist who also wants to produce the "missing books" from my childhood, the books I wished I'd had", well said there Mr. Sandberg, there's just something about Candy and her Cankersaur that brought me back in time.
I thought the moral lesson was well delivered in the story, definitely recommended for parents who are looking for a good bedtime story and to the kids who has great imagination!
Words from the author :
"When I create a picture book I aim to make something that everyone can get a kick out of. I try to slip in things to make adults/parents laugh. Beginning readers often get attached to certain books and want them read over and over and over... I view quality as the ability of a book to hold up under multiple reads!"
As a bedtime story Picture book it's aimed for children ages 3-6.
As a read-alone Picture Book it's appropriate for children ages 6-9.
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