I was awarded by Tina from Martina Bookaholic and I would love to give you a big lipstick stain on your cheeks right now!
The rules are simple:
1. Include the award logo in your post or in your blog.
2. Say 7 random things about yourself that the readers don't know yet.
3. Nominate 5-10 blogs you usually follow.
4. Let the nominees know that they are nominated and include their blog links.
5. Link the person who nominated you.
7 random things about myself.
1. My favorite time of the day is Twilight, and I get emotional and inspirational when it rains.
2. I get real high when I'm sleep deprived and I'll talk non stop.
3. I used to have a fear of talking to guys.
4. I have this personal attachment to my mechanical pencil. It was missing a few days ago and I was depressed because of that! However it turns out that one of my friend accidentally took it and I am happy again after he returned it to me. Ridiculous right? Could this be a sign of being a hoarder?
5. I never hated a book, ever. At some point, no matter how boring it may be, I would still find something to like in a book, and I never gave a book a star rating of below than 3.
6. I could watch an adult human being brutally murdered in a movie, but I can't stand at the sight of an animal or a child being hurt. I will ball my eyes out.
7. I love exploring different kinds of books and I have no problem reading books with unusual or controversial story plot. I remembered reading about incest in Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma and I loved it, I even read about gay relationships and felt an attraction towards these kind of stories.
Here are my nominees :
1. Alexia @ Alexia Chronicles
2. Ritesh @ Ritesh Kala Book Reviews
3. Cambria @ Cambria Hebert
4. Alexandra @ Words of the World
5. Debra @ Debra Anastasia
6. Heidi @ Rainy Day Ramblings
7. Kindlemom @ My Guilty Obsession
8. Terra @ Terra Harmony
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