"Author of the Month" is a feature that I created to honour some of my favourite authors by featuring their works for an entire month!
This feature will:
This feature will:
- Run for entire month.
- On every Sunday of the month (excluding the first week where I will have a blog post introducing and interviewing the author), there will be a blog post dedicated to the author. The content of the blog post is entirely up to the author's choice.
- The "Author of the Month" button will be displayed in my blog's sidebar during the entire duration.
- If you have any questions to ask the author(s), you can leave a comment below the blog post or privately message me at natshane94aa@gmail.com.
For the entire month of January, I am proud to feature author M.A. Grant,
Marion Audrey Grant is fortunate to live in the rugged beauty of Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. She's believed in happy endings and true love since she was very young. Later in life, the realization that she had stories of her own to tell would lead her to graduate college with majors in Creative Writing and English. Thanks to her husband’s unending support, she now works as a scribe to the intelligent women and wounded heroes who need their stories told.
Reach her at:
Website: http://www.marionaudreygrant.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AuthorMAGrant
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7141845.M_A_Grant
The Night Before – Maya & Jake
“No, Richard, I didn’t say that we were back together. I said that we could go out tonight and see how it went.”
“But it’s going well.”
I try to shrug his hand from my shoulder, but there isn’t enough space to move. “No, it’s not.”
“Come on, baby,” he whines, moving so he cuts off my escape from the bar. “So I made some mistakes. Who doesn’t?”
“Let’s talk about this later.”
He blinks blearily and I can see those rusted gears turning in his head. “What? Am I not good enough for you anymore?” He clings to the rationalization as only a narcissistic asshole could. “Now that you’re a star, I’m not good enough?”
The party’s loud enough that I don’t think anyone’s overheard his outburst. “Richard, please, not here–”
He puffs at my gentle rebuke, anger distorting his features. “You think you’re so much better than me? I’ll show you who’s better–”