Blogger of the Month #3 - Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

by - Friday, January 01, 2016

Feena Casual

Hello and a good day to all of you!

The new year is here and finally I have more time to concentrate on the blog, I decided to reintroduce the "Blogger of the Month" feature that I initially launched back in January 2015 (has it really been a year??). This feature aims to fulfil my resolutions of being more active in blogging. Besides, instead of just the usual routine of reading and reviewing, I decided to come up with my own features to make my blog more interactive and fun!

So what is Blogger of the Month all about?

  • Every month, I will invite a favourite blogger friend of mine to do a guest post or any topics that includes anything, and everything random. 
  • This feature will run for the entire month.
  • Feel free to ask any questions - remember this is an interactive post! 
  • If you have any interesting topics you would want the blogger to discuss about, feel free to leave a comment down below or send me a private email at

For the month of January, I am proud to feature a fellow young blogger who has been nothing but kind and friendly to me since the first day, whom I met through a blog hop and has one of the most awesome blog to be Dreamland Teenage Fantasy's "Blogger of the Month"

Sacramento Regular

My name is Krystianna and I’m a 18-year-old book blogger! I’ve been blogging since I was 14 and have loved it ever since. I’m currently a senior in high school and I’m obsessed with reading (of course), music, superheroes (namely Captain America), and Netflix. My book blog, Downright Dystopian, consists of reviews, music recommendations, and other bookish posts!

Just Another Hand Regular
What is the story behind your blog? How did you come up with “Downright Dystopian” and what prompted you to start blogging about books? 

I originally found book blogs after reading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. I literally went onto my trusted computer and searched “books like The Hunger Games” and stumbled across somebody’s blog where they listed tons of dystopian books. That’s when I really got into reading and my book blog was born the summer after that when I finally got the courage to ask my parents if I could start one. I came up with the name with the help of a family member because I really wanted it to have some alliteration but had trouble coming up with another word to add with “Dystopian”.

Wow! Your parents were really supportive of you, I am sure that they would be proud at what your blog has become today. 

What was your first blogging experience like? Did you have any rough time balancing between life and blogging? 

My first time blogging was of course on this blog and was in July 2012. I remember I originally thought that I had to have a very intricate laid out plan when I reviewed books and came up with this whole idea called “SCAR” (story, characters, all-in-all, rating) which I followed through with for quite a few months. All those reviews are still up on my blog too, so there’s proof. I didn’t find it that rough because it was summertime so I had lots of spare time on my hands!

My first time blogging was messy! It took me a while to get my blog to look somehow decent, blogger was a pain in the butt for me last time. I really liked your idea of "SCAR", I thought that was creative and interesting! Thank you for sharing. 

To date, what is the one thing you enjoyed most about blogging? 

I’d have to say that I most enjoy having conversations with other people about books. That’s why I originally started my blog in the first place. I want some friends who love reading books as much as me!

So, with all the customary questions aside, here’s a few fun questions to answer ☺ what consists of a perfect day for you? 

My day would start off with me waking up around 11 a.m. and then eating a bowl of macaroni and cheese with a tall glass of chocolate milk. I’d then spend the day reading alone until midnight, only stopping to take a shower and eat some more. 

I wish I could do the same! 

What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to blogging?

My biggest pet peeve… hmm, this one is kind of hard to decide! I think my biggest pet peeve would be trying to visit blogs that have posts that are really hard to read. I find it so difficult to read a blog when the background is really dark with bright writing. I don’t know, maybe that’s just me!

Guilty! I started off with that kind of blog because I was "on the dark side" back then, but I've changed the look of my blog after 2014 and the look had stayed until today. 

If what you write comes to life, what would you write about and why? 

I’d write about a world where college doesn’t cost so much, perhaps even it’s free. I only say this because I’m currently applying to colleges and the costs of some of them are insane!

If you could choose one book character that you can relate to, who would it be? Why? 

I feel like I’m going to answer this is such a normal way, but I’d have to say Hermione from the Harry Potter series because she’s a huge booknerd and always says such witty things. I like to think I’m witty, but perhaps I’m really not! However, I do love reading and learning, like Hermione does.

Would you rather be liked or respected?

I would rather be respected because then I’d know that people would perhaps look up to me for my accomplishments rather than just being infatuated with me.

What is your motto in life? 

Live life with no regrets!

Complete this sentence. “If I have the superpower to…..”

If I have the superpower to time travel, I’d time travel to the past but I’d be nervous about time traveling to the future.

Hot dogs or pizzas? 
Pizza (preferably with only cheese)

Intelligence or humor? 
Humor, only because I make quite a lot of dumb jokes.

Superhero or sidekick? 

Youth or wealth? 

Words or actions? 

Christmas or Halloween? 

Dress or jeans? 

Hot or cold? 

Swim in a pool or the ocean? 

Kindle or paperback? 

Thank you Krystianna for the lovely interview! And thanks to all of you for visiting my blog today! :)

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  1. Great post, Natasha! Congrats on being featured Krystianna. I love Christmas too. :)

    1. Thank you! And thank you for stopping by! ;)

  2. Awesome interview :) I really like Krystianna's blog, too :) it's great to get to know her better through your questions, Natasha.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Ps: it's impossible to leave a comment on your current STS post...

    1. I really love her blog too! Thank you for taking the time to read them :)

      Thank you so much for notifying me! I had no idea that the post was faulty as I posted through my phone.


Hi! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Wishing you a dreamy day!