
Double the Giveaway Booty Camp Release Day - Booty Camp Dating Service by Debra Anastasia

by - Sunday, August 28, 2016

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Booty Camp Dating Service is a wildly successful matchmaking company. The twist? Well, Wolf Saber --who inherited his gift-- is NEVER wrong when he matches people. It’s a gift passed down from his grandmother to his mother to him.

He’s sexy but stays behind the scenes, letting his buddy Chance do all the talking while he matches the clients at parties and events. Booty Camp Dating Service travels the country, and nine months after they leave the city there’s always a flurry of weddings and an accompanying baby boom. Booty Camp claims that clients will be 110% satisfied and they deliver on that promise every single time.

Except Wolf refuses to deliver on that guarantee for himself. He doesn’t find love until Hazel Lavender’s best friend pushes her through his front door. Now all he wants to do is make sure Hazel is 110% satisfied…in his bed. Which, ironically, would break the very rules Wolf demands of his employees--no dating clients, ever.
So instead, Wolf and Hazel fight. And kiss. And fight some more.

Will Wolf’s own rules make him the very first Booty Camp Happily Never After?

Line up readers, your Booty Camp date is waiting…

See what users are saying about Booty Camp Dating Service: 


My 5-Star Review of Booty Camp Dating Service:

Facebook Commercial link: 

Youtube commercial link:

Booty Camp Dating Service REAL WEBSITE! 

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Want to win four signed paperbacks, a Booty Camp engagement ring and a Poughkeepsie keychain? 

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And last, but not least! THE BOOTY SALE!!!

Booty Camp Dating Service had inspired a .99¢ Blast sale! 

Poughkeepsie is even available for free! (*In order to get Poughkeepsie free you MUST follow the link to Debra’s website here: http://www.debraanastasia.com/2015/11/free-world-class-poughkeepsie-app-on.html) Prices for a LIMITED time so grab them quick.

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Fire Down Below: http://amzn.to/2bYPF2o

Fire in the Hole: http://amzn.to/2ciiWtG

The Revenger: http://amzn.to/2bYP54S

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Debra writes stories mostly in her pajamas with her hairy coworkers (dogs and a cat) to keep her company. Comedy, New Adult, Paranormal and Angst stories fill up her hard drive. A lot of her time is spent in the mom carpool lane. Debra has been married for 19 years to her favorite guy. She loves to laugh at her own farts in the morning and can be found on Facebook and Twitter being an idiot. She’ll hug you if she ever meets you and will most likely smell like cotton candy when she does it.

Amazon: DebraAnastiasa.com (Find link late Sunday Night!) (Debra’s Amazon Page: http://amzn.to/2bYMBnbhttp://amzn.to/2bYMBnb )

NOOK: DebraAnastiasa.com (Find link late Sunday Night!) (Debra’s Nook Page: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/debra+anastasia?_requestid=338119 )

Kobo: DebraAnastiasa.com (Find link late Sunday Night!) Debra’s Kobo Page: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/search?query=Debra%20Anastasia&fcsearchfield=Author )

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