#Rhewsontour - Conscience vs Authority by Deek Rhew
First a ginormous THANK YOU, Natasha, for hosting me today!
Hey hey, Natasha’s followers and new fans of her blog! Since
one of my main characters is plagued by moralistic choices, Natasha asked me to
come on today to discuss conscience vs authority. Which one is a bigger driver?
In 122 Rules, the
main character, Sam, is lost. His life-long plans have been dashed by a stupid
car accident, and he finds himself adrift. But he's lost more than just his
direction, he seems to have lost his humanity. Sympathy, love, empathy, joy,
happiness, and even pain, all gone. Listless for years, he joins the military,
where he excels. He can keep his cool and fear at bay while under great duress,
and he does as he’s told. No questions asked. But a bullet cuts his career
After losing the ultimate authority, the US Marine Corps, he
is recruited to continuing using his emotional isolation skills, this time as a
government assassin. For years, he eliminates “enemies of the state.” The
people he works for become his new authority, domineering and dictating his
every action. Sam ruins lives and destroys families, all the name of serving
his country. Though he never knows why he’s assigned to kill, he nevertheless, tracks
down his mark and eliminates them.
But after years of service, a long-dormant voice in the back
of his mind wakes up, telling him to stop and think. He’s mid-assignment, assigned
to kill a woman that appears to be completely innocent. In fact, she seems to
be assisting the very country he’s sworn to protect and defend. Orders are
orders though, so he lines her up in his crosshairs. But his conscience screams
at him to wait. Pull the trigger and follow the rules, or listen to his
long-quiet morality?
This is Sam’s dilemma. It begs the bigger question. What has
the stronger pull: Morality or authority? But really, it's not just Sam's
dilemma; it's everyone's as we navigate this complicated world.
How's that for a catchy title? What a crazy adventure this has been FIVE years in the making, and it has finally arrive: 122 Rules has been born unto the world. The stories I could tell just so I could tell you this story...well, let's just say it's been an interesting, educational, and life-altering adventure.
This has been a grand journey, filled with hardships, fun, learning, and growth. But of all the things that have happened on the writing road, meeting the love of my life is the most unlikely and easily the luckiest, most blessed things to have ever happened to me.
Who could resist those stunning blues? |
Ahhhh! It's cold out here! |
Do ya feel lucky punk? Well, do ya? |
Erin Rhew and I started out as critique partners, became friends, and now she's my bride. She's my best friend and partner in all things. Even if I don't sell a single copy of my writings, I'll always be a smashing success because I met Erin.
Book Blitz
On this half of the Rhewination tour, I am visiting blogs all over the globe, from Australia to the farthest corners in Canada. Next week, on the second half of the tour, Erin will be gracing the pages of 50+ bloggers!
In addition, we are giving away a $50 Amazon gift card! Prepare yourselves to win!
122 Rules
Today, we are announcing my adult thriller novel, 122 Rules.
In his black and white world, Sam Bradford--former Marine turned government assassin--finally sees a speck of grey. He has always followed orders without question, but his latest assignment threatens to disrupt the precision of his universe and may either severe or redeem his last remaining sliver of humanity.
Using his mastery of the 122 Rules of Psychology, Sam hunts down everyone The Agency sends him to find and eliminates them. Just as he has his rifle scope focused on his latest victim, Monica Sable, a SoCal girl entangled with the mob, his long-dormant conscience reappears for a final performance...one last ditch effort to save the sinking ship of Sam’s soul. He’s killed innocents before, but tarries on pulling the trigger this time.
When Monica escapes his crosshairs and fumbles her way across the country in a pathetic attempt to elude capture, Sam gives chase. But he’s not the only one after her. Ruthless henchmen, hired by the mob, froth like bloodhounds and nip at Monica’s heels. Now Sam is faced with a choice: turn his back on the rules and jeopardize his way of life by helping her or join the pack and rip her to shreds.
What are readers saying?
122 Rules is a fast-paced thrill-ride, filled with rich characters living in an expertly woven world of mystery and suspense. Deek Rhew’s debut novel will take readers by storm, and keep them coming back for sequels.
~Michelle K. Pickett, Bestselling and award-winning author of PODs and Unspeakable.
The perfect, fast-paced novel for fans of kick-butt heroines, creepy killers, and getting caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. An absolute must-read!
Visit the 122 Rules Web Page
Visit Amazon and Goodreads!
While you're on Deek's site check out Birth of an American Gigolo.
An old party girl shoehorned into domestic divaship, infuriated by her husband's cheating and his holier-than-thou, tree-hugging, no-tits and no-hips girlfriend, inflicts her wrath by training a local boy in the fine art of seduction. She and her new boy toy turned love god start a gigolo business as a distraction for the neglected and mistreated housewives of Alabaster Cove.
Take a selfie with your ebook or paper copy of Birth and post it on social media with the tag #BirthSelfie. We'll post you on the Rhewination web site!
Deek Rhew
Deek Rhew |
Deek lives in a rainy pocket in the Pacific Northwest with the stunning YA author bride, Erin Rhew, and their writing assistant, a fat tabby named Trinity. They enjoy lingering in the mornings, and often late into the night, caught up Erin’s fantastic fantasy worlds of noble princes and knights and entwined in Deek’s dark underworld of the FBI and drug lords.
He and Erin love to share books by reading aloud to one another. In addition, they enjoy spending time with friends, running, boxing, lifting weights, and exploring the little town--with antique shops and bakeries--they call home.
Connect with Deek!
For the latest and greatest, visit his web page:
Next week be on the lookout for Erin's:
The Fulfillment Series Blitz Extravaganza!
Erin Rhew's book that started it all, The Prophecy! |
Erin Rhew's The Fulfillment |
Erin Rhew's The Outlanders |
Erin Rhew
Erin Rhew |
word. She went on to work as a grammar and writing tutor in college and is still teased by her family and friends for being a member of the "Grammar Police."
A Southern girl by blood and birth, Erin now lives in a rainy pocket of the Pacific Northwest with the amazingly talented (and totally handsome) writer Deek Rhew and their “overly fluffy,” patient-as-a-saint writing assistant, a tabby cat named Trinity. She and Deek enjoy reading aloud to one another, running, lifting, boxing, eating chocolate, and writing side-by-side.
For the latest and greatest, visit her web page:
Are you ready to win?!!! Enter the Rhewination, Rhews on Tour Giveaway!
Authors, do you think the artwork for The Prophecy, The Outlanders, The Fulfillment, Birth of an American Gigolo, and 122 Rules is as stunning as we do? Visit Race-Point.com to find out how you can get the amazing Anita to work on your book as well!Thank you SO much for hosting me today, Natasha!
Posted by,
Thank you for hosting me today, Natasha! What a great idea you had to post about. This is certainly something that Sam wrestles with and it was totally fun getting to explore it a bit.
ReplyDeleteHappy adventuring to you!
Hi! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Wishing you a dreamy day!