
Follow Me Friday #11

by - Friday, February 03, 2012

Follow Me Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Check out their blogs and join in the fun!

Q: Define what characteristics your favorite books share. Do they all have a kickass heroine or is the hot love interest the Alpha Male?

To me, I find myself needing the element of romance in every single book I read. I don't mind if the heroine is not kickass (though if they are that would be a bonus, and I hate whiny characters), romance and action is what keeps me going. A book without romance will often bore me, but on the other hand I couldn't stand cliche plots. Love at first sight and human-vampire love story has became so overrated that it no longer 'wows' me, that is why I am always in search of creative story plots with a dose of heart-fluttering romance. Yes, I still adore vampires, but now that I am bored with the vampire and human romance world, in future I will be extra picky in selecting such books.

Okay wow, I kinda got lost in my own rant back there. As a conclusion, non-cliche-or-if-you-have-to-be-cliche-be-more-creative-kind-of-cliche-romance is what defines my kind of books. Also, I couldn't resist bad boys or quiet guys with brunette hairs   ♥

Please  post your link and I'll be sure to check yours out! (but please forgive any delay because I'm currently pretty busy with Uni :P)

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  1. I totally agree with you. I need romance in a book as well or I simply get EXTREMELY bored with a book. But I need strong characters as well, if the main character is weak and gives in to easily I find myself hating the book. Great FF.

    You can find my FF here! CLICKY HERE! =D

    and enter my 300 Follower Giveaway here! CLICKY HERE! =D

  2. Love a good romance too but not all of my favorites are in this genre.

    Come and see my FF HOP if you have the time.

  3. Yeah, I get you about the vamp books..
    New networked blogs follower :)

    My #FF here

  4. Yea... I like LOVE!! :-) When it's done right with great characters, of course. My FF: http://www.burgandyice.blogspot.com/2012/02/rebel-wife-by-taylor-m-polites.html

  5. Hi!!!! I'm a new follower!!! I can't wait to continue to follow your blog!!! :)

    I completely agree; romance is definitely an important element to the stories that I read too! :)


  6. I love romance in my stories. If you like vampires but are tired of the cliched vampire/human romance you should try reading Sunshing by Robin McKinley. It's wonderful :)

    Here's my Follow Friday.

    Also, check out our 100 Follower Giveaway!

    New follower


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