
Favourite, Hated or Memorable Character Names - Feature & Follow #47

by - Friday, October 14, 2016

Feature & Follow is a feature to increase your blog followers, make friends and have something to post! Create a post every week, link it up in the host's linkups (Alison Can Read & Parajunkee) and comment on other people's posts/blogs! The point is to also FOLLOW them back and have fun at the same time! :)

Spring Time Personal Use Regular

Malfoy wins this round hands down!

Image result for draco malfoy gif

Spring Time Personal Use Regular

As much as I adore and love The Host, I always felt disconnected to the name Wanda. Yes, I get how Wanda takes after her name The Wanderer, but any mention of Wanda and instantly The Fairy Odd Parents "poofed" into mind. I like the name Wanda by itself, but I just felt it is rather unfitting for a sweet and naive alien. Wanda always seemed like a cool name for an eccentric personality. 

Image result for wanda fairly odd parents

What about you? Happy Friday! 

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  1. LOL I didn't like Wanda too! Old follower.

  2. Wanda is just one of those names that's meh to me. Neither hate nor love. It's just meh. LOL! Draco was a bit of an odd one too! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I don't like Wanda, either! New follower :) I hope you can stop by:



  4. I don't really like Wanda much either. I keep trying it in my mind... Wanda, Wanda.... nope. :(


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