First of all, I would like to take this chance to wish all of you a belated Merry Christmas! It was a busy week for me and I was unable to online for three straight days, the horror! LOL Anyways, I spent my Christmas Day catching a plane back to home as I was abroad attending my cousin's wedding, it was tons of fun!
So what did I get for Christmas?? Aside from a cute Christmas mug, a make up set, a watch, a 2 days 1 night hotel stay and a flight ticket, I was surprised to have receive my very own copy of :
I have been waiting for this book for an entire year and it was on the top of my TBR / Wishlist, imagine my surprise when I held the book, what a jaw dropping moment.
So yes, I spent my morning and afternoon and evening (and most probably later) reading Beautiful Chaos, best Christmas gift ever! Thanks to my annoying-me-all-year-long-but-extremely-sweet-younger-brother that I forgave instantly right after he gave me this book. Ha!
Just Kidding...
So what did you get for Christmas??
If you are a fan of the series, join Beautiful Creatures Fansite or visit Beautiful Creatures Website.
You can also stalk Kami and Margaret on Twitter
@kamigarcia and @mstohl
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So what did I get for Christmas?? Aside from a cute Christmas mug, a make up set, a watch, a 2 days 1 night hotel stay and a flight ticket, I was surprised to have receive my very own copy of :
I have been waiting for this book for an entire year and it was on the top of my TBR / Wishlist, imagine my surprise when I held the book, what a jaw dropping moment.
So yes, I spent my morning and afternoon and evening (and most probably later) reading Beautiful Chaos, best Christmas gift ever! Thanks to my annoying-me-all-year-long-but-extremely-sweet-younger-brother that I forgave instantly right after he gave me this book. Ha!
Just Kidding...
So what did you get for Christmas??
If you are a fan of the series, join Beautiful Creatures Fansite or visit Beautiful Creatures Website.
You can also stalk Kami and Margaret on Twitter
@kamigarcia and @mstohl
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Hi! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Wishing you a dreamy day!