
The New Death and Others - James Hutchings

by - Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The New Death and Others - James Hutchings

Death gets a roommate... 

An electronic Pope faces a difficult theological question... 

A wicked vizier makes a terrible bargain... 

44 stories. 19 poems. No whiny vampires. There's a thin line between genius and insanity, and James Hutchings has just crossed it - but from which direction?

One word: Amazing.

I think the last time I read this kind of book was when I was 6, The New Death and others is a compilation of short stories and poems with a twist of humour and sarcasm that would certainly leave you laughing. The stories and poems in the book was told in both modern and classic adaptation, each story was entirely different yet commonly amusing. It was hard to pick favourites but I would say some stories were that funny/creative/unique that it left a huge impression in my mind (I even told the story of Rumplestiltskin : One of the parody-chapter in this book) to my younger brother as a bedtime story and we shared a good laugh.

I have never come across such a unique book, and while I was reading this I was feeling like a young kid with an adult mind. The writing was smooth and very alluring, I was buried in the story after the first few pages (though I find myself confused in the first few pages) and laughed my way all through till the end of the book. There were several chapters of the stories which I praised for being a challenging read as well! I especially adore the poems in this book, some were actually better than the stories themselves!

As a conclusion: The book is a mix of mythology (parody-style) and weird human stories told in a fictionary, sarcastic, humouress point of view. To sum it up: The funny truth about reality conveyed through joke poems and stories. I would call it a book mixology, LOL.

I would recommend this to whoever who wanted a good laugh!

Reviewed by,

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  1. I've never heard of this one. I usually don't like short stories or poetry, but I'm intrigued by the humor in the book. I'm always up for a good laugh.

  2. I have this one to read for x-mas vacation. I had a quick look on some of the stories and I have a feeling it's going to be very interesting.


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